this is such a random post.because i have nothing to talk abt.well,i think nessa owes me a date.and so does that horny guy.and porky.and MEL.and nana.and shermaine.GOSH.many pple.hahahaha.and i think there are many many MANY pple'sbirthdays in OCTOBER! HAHA.and i love painting.ALOT!.see.random.who cares.and i think lexine should go and count the numberof years of friendship PROPERLY,before saying its 11.DUMB SHIT. HAHA.
12:41:00 pm
oh my gosh.
remember the 6th.
its impt.
not cuz its the end of -- days.
i think you forgot la.
the most i'll do is kill you i guess.
1:39:00 pm
amazing;i love you plenty.i think i told you alot today,shall continue again soon.hahaha.sorry i was lazy,to go to your school,to have lunch with you.( dating you next week right.pick the date.(:LOVE.
1:25:00 pm
HAHA!this is the funniest photo i have of
antaeus paul lim sui lye.
he took it himself.
at NINI's place.
i think i liked your hair then?
i cant wait till you finish working tmr.
then we can chill again!
its been long.
real long.
i miss the times when you are tired,
then you always either talk complete RUBBISH
to annoy the shit out of everyone,
you would talk sense and go all emo on me,
especially when you talk about life.
this is when i get to see the serious you.
you rock plenty!
i just love her to bits.
there's no words to describe her.
she's just fun to hang out with.
and i miss hanging out with her.
we need to catch up porks!
she was always there for me.
when i needed her during sjv.
NINI too.
they are both the caring duo.
always asking what's wrong
when they see you're upset.
they are my COMFORTERS.
who shield me from the storm,
and cover me when im cold.
they rock plenty plenty much.
and this is one of the nicest pictures i have with lari and shabs.
i want to thank shabs,
for all his nonsensical comments and answers.
when we asked him what does the singapore mint manufacture,
lari and shabs had to think damn long.
then shabs told lari it was mentos.
so then lari said mentos.
they are both just plain nuts!
and to think they're older than me okay.
she's full of surprises okay.
you will never know what she's thinking
because she can hide it so damn well.
but she always knows how to handle difficult situations properly.
and when she seems like she doesnt care,
she actually does.
behind all that evil
is a caring friend,
someone you can trust.
someone you can laugh with.
and someone you would treasure.

and i miss the steamboat.
i think we should do it again some time.
when everyone has finished their N's and O's.
it was fun.
with all the live prawns.
we were sadistic i tell you.
especially AUDREY.
and i swear larris kept eating the chilli chicken.
over and over again he kept asking me to take it for him.
and the dumb servers always ask me to take eggs.
like whathehell.
and we kept taking pictures on the road,
and nearly got killed.
its always fun when you go out with the servers.
because they make you laugh ALOT.
and come up with silly plans or stunts.
life just wouldnt be the same without them.
and i think my class rocks.
im so glad we get to be together for two WHOLE years!
and we thought its only one okay.
when is our class outing going to happen?
always cannnot make it please.
i miss my class already.
and its only been three weeks.
they are just such a fun bunch to hang out with.
and although the guys are playing ALL the time,
they know when to START studying.
and im so glad we're all close to each other.
we sit together during break okay.
i just love them plenty.
i miss DARA TOH.
im so sorry i couldnt go out with you that day.
hope you had fun in HONGKONG.
i miss this so much.
i know we all cant wait till CHRISTMAS.
and NEW YEAR's.
where we have all the fun in the world.and friends are reunited.
and everything that has happened in the past
is forgiven,
although not forgotten.
but its alright.
because we love each other too much
to remember every little event that takes place.
12:26:00 pm
*tagged victims have to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lovers. specify the gender of the target. tag four victims to join in this game and leave a comment on their page saying they've been tagged. if tagged a second time, there's no need to post again.tagger: lexinenext victims: larris, jos, shyla, peiwentarget gender: MALE1) he has to know when im down or when im happy. (basically know how im feeling)2) he has to love me with all his heart. ((:3) he must be ROMANTIC.4) he needs to know what is right and wrong to do at any given time.5) he must be nice smelling! (:(so his smell will stay on me when i hug him)6) he must have a nice bolster that i can hug daily. (:7) he must never lie to me, and be honest with me all the time.AND8) he has to be there for me when i need him the most.
12:26:00 am
YOU*you are horrible la!im going to kill you.but you know i cant bear to!haha.dont play that song ever again! hmpf.AMAZING;i think you're ignoring me.and i kinda know why.i dont want to hurt you.but its like,how can i not?you always feel a certain way.and you're not honest with dont tell me how you feel.and we're drifting apart.and you're always so emo all the timeand not everyone knows why.because you dont say anything.then you just leave all your friends,who care about you,hanging in the air.not knowing what you're thinking about or how you're can choose what you want to dowith this friendship,but i know i will always treasure the special moments we have had ever since i got to know you,the good and the bad.i miss "ben and jerry's" with you.(:
1:02:00 pm
as I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor,
and I can't help but to hear,
no I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words:
"What a beautiful wedding! What a beautiful wedding!"
says a bridesmaid to a waiter.
"And yes, but what a shame,
what a shame,
the poor groom's bride is a whore."
I'd chime in with a
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
with a sense of poise and rationality.
I'd chime in,
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
with a sense of...
Well in fact,
well I'll look at it this way,
I mean technically our marriage is saved
Well this calls for a toast,
so pour the champagne
Oh! Well in fact,
well I'll look at it this way,
I mean technically our marriage is saved
Well this calls for a toast,
so pour the champagne,
pour the champagne
I'd chime in with a
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
with a sense of poise and rationality.
I'd chime in,
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
with a sense of poise and rationality.
I'd chime in,
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
with a sense of poise and rationality.
I'd chime in,
"Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things
with a sense of poise and rationality.
12:17:00 pm
GOO GOO DOLLS.And I'd give up forever to touch youCause I know that you feel me somehowYou're the closest to heaven that I'll ever beAnd I don't want to go home right now
And all I can taste is this momentAnd all I can breathe is your lifeCause sooner or later it's overI just don't want to miss you tonightAnd I don't want the world to see meCause I don't think that they'd understandWhen everything's made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amAnd you can't fight the tears that ain't comingOr the moment of truth in your liesWhen everything feels like the moviesYeah you bleed just to know you're aliveAnd I don't want the world to see meCause I don't think that they'd understandWhen everything's made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amAnd I don't want the world to see meCause I don't think that they'd understandWhen everything's made to be brokenI just want you to know who I am
And I don't want the world to see meCause I don't think that they'd understandWhen everything's made to be brokenI just want you to know who I amI just want you to know who I amI just want you to know who I amI just want you to know who I ami just totally love this says alot.(:today was spent at home, and at causeway point.with one of my sec sch bestie' was, well,funnyretardedtiringand dumb.haha.we did nothing but laze aroundand talk rubbish.then eat and trl.yadayada.then shop!haha.i have to go to suntec tomorrow.then maybe i'll drop by my darling's house.yupps.(:OUT
8:15:00 pm
YESTERDAYi dont know why.but maybe its not only to you.i so cant hold grudges.unless you're talking abt liwei.that's a whole different story,right SHEILA?HAHA.oh wells,i think im just bad at being angry.its kind of a waste of energy.once i cry everything's forgetten.then for you,you just say a few words,and i forgive you so easily.isnt that supposed to be bad?you better not take me for granted.and you say i am.whatthehell.i dont know la.TODAYyou sounded irritated just now.
but yeah.i cant do anything also what.
because what i say never goes.
its true la.
bleah.i burnt my finger just now.damn pain.the rice was too hot?what nonsense right?then now im having difficulty typing.we were having an english pronunciation lessonin ah-ni-nai-nai's car.she said those people who always do announcementsin church cant pronounce words properly,and that they dont learn from their mistakes.wednesday as we-nes-day,when its supposed to be wens-day.then saturday pronounced as saaa-turrr-day,when its supposed to be sare-tur-day.then september as saaaap-tem-ber.people are going to think im nuts.hahahaha.oh wells.only jill and larris and lari and antaeus and ah-nia and ah-ni-nai-naiwill know what the heck im taking about.(:AMAZING;i hope you're alright?after what happened yesterday.take care alright?claire needs you the most right now i guess.or maybe she needs shermann?
7:50:00 pm
the fondue party was wow. haha.we lup all the pizza and sushi,then went on to the thick chocolate.haha.WONDERFUL.strawberries and grapes and marshmallowsand bananas and honeydew and peachand mandarin orange!SOMEONE had to keep on SAVING our fruits from the flowing chocolate lake.haha.cuz they kept sliding off the stick all.drama.LAURIE LAURIE LAURIE!i cant wait for the 11th of november now.i thank GOD for showering me with such an understandingand caring friend! (:SHE ROCKS! im going to miss lauriebelle trolley loads!ILOVEYOULAURIE! ((:
2:35:00 pm
WERE YOU there when he.....HAHAHHAHHA.malay brain!you crack me up please!then getting jeremy all irritated.cuz you just wouldnt ask the qn.what a dumb thing you going to laugh everytime i see you now!(:we had loads of fun during dinner.the servers are just one hell of a bunch of people to be with.they can make you laugh at anything,which other people might not think is funny.its just the way they are.and that's what makes them such good listeners and friends.most of them.yupps.and then there were these children,in particular this small boy la.the parents were there eating, and the DUMB children were down thereat the coffeeshop pretending that the chilli sauce packets were guns.oh please!then ignatius was getting all uptight,scaring the poor little children,and attempting to shoot ice at them all.but as you know,his aiming sucks big time.and so he ended up shooting a carlsberg bottle and some other man all.DUMB ASS.altogether,yesterday was officially LAUGHING DAY.2nd SEPTEMBER 2006.haha.(:well.on another plan know what im talking sad.haha.cannot make it please.DEAD.i need to go write your thing now before you kill me.OUT.
2:58:00 pm
Let it roll of your back
And let it slip off your tongue
Before you lose your nerve
end up right back where you started from.
Are you just waiting for the right time?
Are you holding off until you see a sign
To say something?
Or are you just
I recognize the worry in your eyes,
Because I’ve been there a couple hundred times.
So take it from me,
speak up or you’ll wish you’d
done differently.
Let it roll of your back
And let it slip off your tongue
Before you lose your nerve
And end up right back where you started from
Because when it’s over, then it’s done.
And, boy, to tell you the truth,
If you put your foot in your mouth,
You’d still be better off than
kicking yourself.
It’s obvious that you’re
To carry on or just to nix it?
Should you stay the course or just
walk out that door?
If I were you, I would be on my way.
The rest of your life could start today.
If not now, then when?
If not now, when?
Let it roll of your back
And let it slip off your tongue
Before you lose your nerve
And end up right back where you started from
Because when it’s over, then it’s done.
And, boy, to tell you the truth,
If you put your foot in your mouth,
You’d still be better off than kicking yourself.
So tell me what you’ll say,
when you finally come
face to face,
when there ain’t no turning back,
because this is your
last chance.
Let’s hear it.
I’m through trying to hold onto this,
because you seem to be over it.
kiss these almond eyes goodbye,
because this is the
last time you’ll see them cry.
--goodbye almond eyesisnt this song so ironic?i dont know also.nothing also cannot.something also cannot.what is going on anyway?im feigning ignorance am i?alrighty be it.i also dont know what i should do.i doubt she knows too.HAHA.right?i cant help but laugh at this situation.i think we're all assuming thingswe arent supposed to.then ladeedum,things go wrong.then ladeedum somemore,and it becomes worse.then silent treatment.then the next day a sinple msgand all is PRETENDED to be forgetten.but bringing up the topic will justmake THINGS we choose to shutthehellup.then now its come to a stage where everyonewants to voice their opinion.then fight and quarrel again.then msg and its alright again.this is sure some SUPERLY WEIRD game that we are playing here.well,i think playing along will just be the best idea.any suggestions?i welcome any.if you even have some.//bleah.i want to runaway.from it all.its not a good idea to escape from my problems but its the best idea i've got so far.i guess.i want to ignore you for 10 days.i can if i want to.i think i'll be good.i need time to relaxand BREATHE.i havent been breathing enough lately.10 days alright?its because of me not you.and no one else either.not my amazing one too.REALLY.if you ignore her,i'll ignore you know i starts today,or just until i have enough time to settle down properly.and i hope you respect my may not get to read this.but my amazing one will update a dear and read it all out alright?thanks dear.(:i miss LEXINE already.i have loads to tell her.(:cant wait for the seventeen party. right lex and nessa?OUT.
11:03:00 pm